저도 가지고 있는 app입니다.

메모장중엔 최고의 기능이 아닐까 생각되는..

Google Docs 와도 Sync 가 가능해서 전 유용하게 쓰고 있답니다.

앞으로 사진 첨부, password기능도 추가된다고 하니 더욱더 기대되는 app입니다.

일정기간 할인하오니 없으신 분들은 한번 꼭 구매해보시길^^

Awesome Note (+Todo) 2.0(Productivity)[iTunes    ]

Awesome Note (+Todo)

Price: $3.99 -> $1.99


COMING SOON v 2.5 (Free update) (waiting for approval)

  • Photo Attachment
  • Hyperlink Support
  • Sync to Google Docs
  • Master Password Lock

Visit at Bridworks.com

Finally, combine Notes and To-dos in one app!

Awesome Note is an innovative note taking app and task manager that allows you the flexible to combine notes with tasks. It helps you easily organize your idea, thoughts, memos, checklists, to-do lists and anything else into custom categories and simply manage your tasks with due dates.

Awesome Note enables you to customize its look with themes the way you want it to be displayed with different paper backgrounds, icons, fonts and colors. It provides the Post it style Quick Memo which is a quick and easy way to get a thought down.

With Awesome Note, organize your life better than ever.

"iPhone default notes app can safely be retired." - From User

Visit our site : bridworks.com


Featured as "STAFF FAVORITES" in the iTunes Store


[Intuitive User Interface]

  • Simple easy to use.
  • Create and edit without a net connection
  • Full support Landscape mode in all views
  • Instant access to all tasks and notes

[Organizing into folders]

  • Optional Passcode Protection for each folder
  • Create, edit and save notes into categories.
  • Customize folders with cool color choices and unique icons
  • Create, edit and delete folders
  • Access to all notes in All Note category

[Customizing notes with style]

  • A wide variety of theme backgrounds
  • Easily change out backgrounds just by tapping a menu
  • Choose the display font and text size for each note

[Task-like notes]

  • GTD-friendly simple tasks
  • Set due dates and priority for notes
  • Checklist, Shopping List, To-Do task
  • Badge on the main screen (Overdue and Today task)

[Post-it style Quick Memo]

  • Quickly access to four sticky memos
  • Save as notes

[Easy taking notes]

  • Fast to note
  • Quickly add memos and notes
  • Edit your own note title
  • Cut, Copy, Paste and Undo/Redo
  • Provides a button to close keyboard

[Multiple View and Sorting]

  • Thumbnail view, List view, Task view mode for folders
  • Sort notes by name, creation dates, modification dates, due dates and priorities.

[Backup and Transfer]

  • Easy import/export with Google Docs
  • Backup to and restore from Google Docs


  • Full Text Search
  • Email your notes directly from the app
  • Restores the last-viewed screen

Check out screenshots at Bridworks.com
COOL features are about to come!


iPod touch/iPhone 일정기간 무료 app(Camera Laugh 1.0)

2009. 11. 28. 20:02
한국에서도 나온 iPhone..

iPhone카메라는 특별한 기능이 많이 없습니다.

해당 app 설치하시면 잼있는 촬영이 가능할 것 같네요^^

Camera Laugh 1.0(Photography)[iTunes    ]

Camera Laugh

Price: $1.99 -> Free

Black Friday is also on the App Store !
One day only - FREE (down from 1.99$)
Tell your friends or consider leaving a review!

Camera Laugh creates laughter and puts smiles on faces.

The app automatically generates caricature-like images from portraits. Generated images are funny, laughable and impressive.

Have a lot of fun by simply loading group portraits from the web or taking your friend portrait!

You don't have to be Photoshop® professional and spend lots of time to make a funny picture out of a group portrait. All necessary transformations are done automatically by Camera Laugh within seconds.

All you need is to take or open a photo with straight, forward looking faces and the rest will be done by the app. Automatically generated images are funny, realistic yet unbelievable, rendered with a high quality.

The most fun comes from touching a single "Remix" button. This generates a new caricature variation from a predefined set of carefully selected effects (smiling wide, giving a wink, etc.)

Be warned - touching "Remix" button may be quite addictive! Don't stuck pressing "Remix" for 100th time - take or load a new photo instead, the results may be even funnier.

When you get a you-all-must-see-this result, save your image, upload to Twitter, Facebook or e-mail it - all from within the app.

Remember to share Camera Laugh photos with your friends, for "when laughter is shared, it binds people together and increases happiness and intimacy. In addition to the domino effect of joy and amusement, laughter also triggers healthy physical changes in the body. Humor and laughter strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, diminish pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress" (Melinda Smith, M.A., Gina Kemp, M.A., and Jeanne Segal, Ph.D. at helpguide.org)

iPhone 3GS recommended.


2010 IT 10대 전략기술

2009. 11. 18. 14:46
The 10 strategic technologies for 2010 are:
* Cloud Computing
* Advanced Analytics

* Client Computing

* IT for Green

* Reshaping the Data Center

* Social Computing

*Security – Activity Monitoring

* Flash Memory

* Virtualization for Availability

* Mobile Applications

Twitter관련 유용한 site

2009. 11. 16. 15:21
  • Twitter관련 유용한 site입니다.

  • Twitter 사용하시는 분들이라면... 좋아하실듯^^

    following의 프로필사진으로 트위터 배경이미지 만들기 http://twilk.com/
  • 트위터 실시간 중계방송 twitcam.com
  • 트위터카운터 - 서울 http://twittercounter.com/pages/country%26time_zone=Seoul
  • 트위터 투표시스템 twitpoll.com
  • 트윗스태츠 - 트위터 분석 사이트 http://tweetstats.com
  • 트윗토스터 - 트위터 대화 쓰레딩과 통계를 댓글 기준으로 http://twitoaster.com/
  • 트위터 카운터 - 팔로워 기준 http://twittercounter.com/
  • 위팔로우 - 팔로워 기준 http://wefollow.com/twitter/korean
  • 트위터 그레이더 - 활동 기준 http://twitter.grader.com
  • 팔로잉 관계 찾기 http://friendorfollow.com/
  • 시끄러운(?) 사람 날자 단위로 언팔로우 없이 안 보이게 하기 http://twittersnooze.com/
  • 가장 많이 리트위팅 된 글을 보여주는 사이트 http://www.ReTweet.com
  • 자신의 트위터 경향 파악하기 http://yahoo.knowyourmojo.com/
  • 프로필 사진에 리본 달고, 떼기(떼기는 My Profile의 히스토리 목록에서) http://www.twibbon.com
  • 트윗오디오 http://twaud.io/
  • 트윗픽(사진 업로드 사이트) http://twitpic.com
  • 트윗비드(동영상 업로드 사이트) http://twitvid.com
  • 트위터 관련 도구들 - Yellow Pages http://thesocialmediaguide.com.au/2009/05/30/the-ultimate-list-of-twitter-tools/
  • ,

    iPod Touch "Phone Book" 유아용 contents

    2009. 11. 12. 09:07

    언제쯤 이런 contents를 구매할 수 있을까?

    나오면 당장이라도 사고 싶다. 애들에게 정말 유용한 contents 인것 같다.

    일본인들 정말 머리좋다. 

    아주 작은 생각이 정말 큰 변화를 가져온다는 말이 여기에 해당되는게 아닐까...

    'IT 따라잡기 > 최신 Trend?' 카테고리의 다른 글

    iPhone으로 Survival Game을?  (1) 2009.12.29
    미래의 AR(증강현실)?  (1) 2009.12.28
    AR(증강현실) 관련 다양한 적용 사례들  (2) 2009.12.28
    Google Chrome OS 관련 내용  (1) 2009.12.10
    2010 IT 10대 전략기술  (1) 2009.11.18

    사진 한장을 iPod에 넣으려해도 네 iPod 전체를 백업해버리니..
    이건 도무지 용서할 수 없는 기능이다.
    그래서 오늘은 iPod touch 관련해서 사진 동기화시 backup 기능을 disable
    시킬 수 있는 방법을 공유하겠다.

    현재 실행 중인 아이튠즈를 끝내고 아래 경로 파일 중 iTunesPrefs.xml 파일을 editor 기로 open 한다.(open 하기전 backup해두면 나중에 잘못되었을때 원복이 편함)

    C:\Documents and Settings\사용자ID\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes

    혹시 위 경로가 안보이면 , 위의 Application Data폴더가 숨겨진 폴더임으로, 탐색기 셋팅에서 숨겨진 폴더 보이기를 선택하면 된다.

    editor 기를 열었으면 <key>Documents:131</key> 이 내용을 search 한다. 이 내용 위에 아래 내용을 입력한다.

    이렇게 하면 모든 작업이 끝.
    다시 iTunes를 실행해서 사진파일 동기화 하면 문제없이 사진만 동기화가된다.

    여기서, 몇몇 분들은 그럼 백업하고 싶으면 어떻게 하냐고 문의가 들어오는데..
    iTunes에서 좌측 부분 장비라는 부분에 iPod기기 연결하면 iPod연결 상태가
    나오는데, 거기서 마우스 오른쪽 버튼을 누르면 백업 이라는 메뉴가 있다.
    그 메뉴를 이용하면 된다.


    2009 iPhone apple store best 16 applications

    2009. 11. 9. 10:37

    애플 스토어에서 인기있는 app 16가지 소개

    전  facebook, Quickoffice, iFitness 만 가지고 있네요^^

    나머지 것들도 사용해봐야지..


    Best Social Media App: Facebook

    Sixty-five million people a month currently access Facebook from their mobile phones, according to the social network. Its impressive iPhone application shows why mobile is exploding for Facebook. The original app has been upgraded twice, most recently with a new icon-based homescreen and personalisation features to help users keep tabs on their most important friends. The app is an excellent example of focusing on the features most useful for users on the go, while also making it simple to upload photos and videos. The best Facebook app on any platform, and currently the best example of social media on the iPhone.
    Download from iTunes: free

    Flight Control

    Best Game: Flight Control

    With more than 20,000 games available, the iPhone is laying waste to DS and PSP for quantity. What about quality, though? While there's no shortage of visually stunning 3D titles emerging, it's actually a 2D game that's taken the App Store by storm. The subject is air-traffic control: planes appear on-screen, and you guide them in to land by tracing their flight paths with your finger -- making sure they don't crash. Updates throughout the year have added new levels and aircraft, while its online leaderboards have fuelled bragging. There's even a Google Maps mash-up showing the top players around the world.
    Download from iTunes: 59p

    Jamie's 20 Minute Meals

    Best Celebrity App: Jamie's 20 Minute Meals

    Jamie Oliver as an iPhone star? You might not like the man, but you can't find fault with his application. It's a collection of 50 recipes, complete with step-by-step instructions, photos and even 75 minutes of video of the man himself. No expense has been spared, either: the photos make everything look ravishing, the instructions are idiot-proof, and there's even a shopping list feature to help when sourcing the ingredients. Everything is part of the app too -- it's a whopping 404MB in size -- so you're never left stranded in mid-masala if you lose your connection. Proper -- sorry about this -- pukka.
    Download from iTunes: £4.99


    Best Music App: Spotify

    Spotify doesn't need more gushing from us -- the streaming-music service has been feted by journalists, celebrities and music-biz bosses alike this year. Its iPhone app still deserves a hearty cheer though, for getting around the key Achilles Heel of streaming-music apps: what happens when you get on the Tube? With Spotify, what happens is you switch to the 3,333 songs you've cached on the iPhone itself, in playlists. The free-to-download app requires a £9.99 monthly subscription to actually work, but it's a powerful reason to upgrade. Now, if only it could run in the background like the Android version... 
    Download from iTunes: free, plus £9.99 per month

    Quickoffice Mobile Office Suite

    Best Office App: Quickoffice Mobile Office Suite

    Would you believe it: Microsoft hasn't released its Office suite for iPhone. That's left the way clear for rivals, with Quickoffice Mobile Suite being the best of the bunch so far. Its basic features include Quickword and Quicksheet for editing Word and Excel docs respectively. Copy and paste, text formatting, formulas and all the other features you'd expect are there. But it's the features beyond that which make it a must-have for iPhone-toting workers. Files can be transferred over Wi-Fi, and it can be used to remotely access your MobileMe iDisk. But even just for basic document editing, it's an excellent choice. 
    Download from iTunes: £5.99


    Best News App: Newsstand

    As a headline-surfing tool, the iPhone is a joy -- from iPhone-optimised Web sites such as BBC News and The Guardian through to dedicated apps for a host of newspapers and broadcasters. For those with a slightly more technical bent, however, Newsstand is the best RSS reader available on any smart phone. Partly because of its smooth synchronisation with Google Reader online, and partly because it's slick and smart. Categories, an integrated mini-browser, and the ability to share stories via email or Twitter all work like a dream, while there's also the option to browse via a virtual newspaper rack. That feature's a novelty, but the app is most certainly not. 
    Download from iTunes: £2.99

    I Am T-Pain

    Best Novelty App: I Am T-Pain

    Spotify might be the best iPhone app for listening to music, but I Am T-Pain is the most innovative and downright silly (in a good way) app for making it. The app uses the same Auto-Tune technology that every R&B star and their aunt has used in the last year, allowing you to sing along to a selection of T-Pain songs with your voice turned suitably robot-like. The results can then be published to Facebook or emailed to friends -- with a freestyle mode to send them any message you like. I Am T-Pain is a novelty, but it's a novelty that'll keep you and your friends laughing like a drain for, ooh, weeks. Which is weeks longer than most novelty apps. 
    Download from iTunes: £1.79

    Meter Readings

    Best Money-Saver: Meter Readings

    iPhone users who are parsimonious with their remaining pennies will love Meter Readings, which for just 59p aims to save you much, much more in the long term. How? It lets you track your household utility meters -- electricity, gas and water -- and then calculates how much you're using them and how much it's costing you. Crucially, it supports the fiddly multi-tariffs favoured by many energy suppliers here in the UK, before turning everything into pretty graphs to pore over when trying to figure out whether to change supplier. Not an app you'll show off in the pub, but one that'll ensure you can afford a few extra rounds. 
    Download from iTunes: 59p


    Best Communications App: Nimbuzz

    The best messaging app for iPhone remains its native email client, but since that comes built in, we've looked further afield. Nimbuzz is the best unified instant-messaging app for iPhone, supporting traditional IM networks like Yahoo, Google Talk and Windows Live Messenger, as well as social networks such as Facebook and MySpace. The addition of Skype is what makes it worth having, however, as does its price: free. Its interface does a good job of making sense of all these networks, and the latest version offers push notifications. Against stiff competition, this is the app we'd recommend for now. 
    Download from iTunes: free


    Best Finance App: iXpenseIt

    Like Meter Readings, this app isn't one of the sexier uses for iPhone. It's mightily useful, however, for anyone looking to track expenses or plan a monthly budget. The interface is clean and quick to use, with good visual representations of your spending by category. It feels secure too -- a concern for many corporate users -- with password protection and the ability to backup and restore data at will. And if you want a gimmick -- but a genuinely useful one -- you can take snaps of individual receipts to be stored in your records too. Just what the company accountant ordered. 
    Download from iTunes: £2.99


    Best Health App: iFitness

    Want to lose pounds at a startling rate? Buy a pay-as-you-go iPhone. Ho ho ho. But if you're looking to get fit, there's no shortage of iPhone apps that can help. iFitness is the most polished and comprehensive one available, offering a database of more than 230 exercises, complete with photos showing how you should look when doing them. There are instructions too, but the real value of this app is the ability to compile a custom workout, and track your progress -- complete with the ability to email the results to yourself. The ability to backup this data is important, too. 
    Download from iTunes: £1.19

    Qype Radar

    Best Travel App: Qype Radar

    Yes, you can use your iPhone to find train times, but what to do once you get where you're going? For a British audience, this is where Qype Radar comes in. It offers user reviews of restaurants, bars, shops, hotels and hundreds of other categories of place, with a five-star ratings system, and extra information including addresses and phone numbers. It ties in Google Maps to offer directions, and also lets you upload your own reviews from your iPhone, including photos. Plenty of blather is talked about user-generated content, but Qype Radar is one of the apps making UGC genuinely useful in your daily life. 
    Download from iTunes: free


    Best Location App: foursquare

    The same people who were buzzing about Twitter in its early days are buzzing about foursquare now. Cynics may mutter that this isn't a recommendation, but it's certainly a sign foursquare should be more than a novelty. The gist is simple: 'check in' when visiting places in a supported city (only London so far in the UK), and earn Xbox-style achievement badges for specific milestones. It's part game, competing against your friends for points, but also part nightlife guide, letting you see who's been where most recently. It relies on having a few mates using it, but if you do, it's an intriguing mash-up of social networking, location and game. 
    Download from iTunes: free


    Best Utility: RedLaser

    Are barcodes exciting? Not really. But RedLaser makes a good fist of making them much more interesting. It lets you scan barcodes using your iPhone camera, identifying products and then hunting down the best price online via Google Products and Amazon. The key use: you're in a shop and want to check if a product is available cheaper online. It's fully localised for the UK in terms of currency and Web sites, too. The serious use might be saving cash and sending high-street firms bust, but the silly use involves scanning every barcode in sight, just to see if you can stump it. 
    Download from iTunes: £1.19

    Bebot Robot Synth

    Best Kids App: Bebot Robot Synth

    Bebot isn't designed specifically for kids: it's not one of the many colour-spotting, shape-sorting toddler apps on the iPhone. Even so, it's the single app that's made this writer's child constantly try to steal dad's iPhone throughout 2009. It's a musical synthesiser that's capable of some powerful effects, if you get into the filtering, looping and distortion settings. What's of more relevance to toddlers, however, is the fact that when they touch the screen, a cartoon robot moves his mouth to make the noises. Simple, but sublime. If proper techno DJs had this, they might smile more. 
    Download from iTunes: £1.19

    Layar Reality Browser

    Most Futuristic App: Layar Reality Browser

    We'll admit it: the main reason right now for having an augmented-reality browser on your iPhone is so you can tell people you have an augmented-reality browser on your iPhone. It sounds a bit Tron, and is a cheaper alternative to an actual lightbike. But AR apps such as Layar are also hugely intriguing, layering Web data over your handset's live camera feed, letting you spin round in Piccadilly Circus, for example, and see what places nearby have Wikipedia entries. Developers can create their own layers for anything they like -- gigs, house prices, sex offenders... It's a glimpse at the future. Possibly. 
    Download from iTunes: free



    2009. 11. 9. 08:56
    ■ 000000 black 블랙
    ■ 2f4f4f darkslategray 다크슬레이트그레이
    ■ 708090 slategray 슬레이트그레이 
    ■ 778899 lightslategray 라이트슬레이트그레이
    ■ 696969 dimgray 딤그레이
    ■ 808080 gray 그레이
    ■ a9a9a9 darkgray 다크그레이
    ■ c0c0c0 silver 실버
    ■ d3d3d3 lightgrey 라이트그레이
    ■ dcdcdc gainsboro 게인스보로
    ■ ffffff white 화이트
    ■ fff5ee seashell 씨쉘
    ■ fffafa snow 스노우
    ■ f8f8ff ghostwhite 고스트화이트
    ■ fffaf0 floralwhite 후로랄화이트
    ■ f5f5f5 whitesmoke 화이트스모크
    ■ f0f8ff aliceblue 앨리스블루
    ■ f0ffff azure 애쥬어
    ■ fdf5e6 oldlace 올드래이스
    ■ f5fffa mintcream 민트크림
    ■ ffefd5 papayawhip 파파야윕
    ■ ffdab9 peachpuff 피치퍼프
    ■ faf0e6 linen 린넨
    ■ eee8aa palegoldenrod 팔레골덴로드
    ■ ffe4e1 mistyrose 미스티로즈
    ■ ffe4b5 moccasin 모카신
    ■ ffdead navajowhite 나바조화이트
    ■ d2b48c tan 탄
    ■ f5deb3 wheat 위트
    ■ fafad2 lightgoldenrodyellow 라이트골덴로드옐로우
    ■ ffffe0 lightyellow 라이트옐로우
    ■ fff8dc cornsilk 콘실크
    ■ faebd7 antiquewhite 안티크화이트
    ■ f5f5dc beige 베이지
    ■ fffacd lemonchiffon 레몬치폰 
    ■ fffff0 ivory 아이보리
    ■ f0e68c khaki 카키
    ■ e6e6fa lavender 라벤더
    ■ fff0f5 lavenderblush 라벤더블러시
    ■ ffe4c4 bisque 비스크
    ■ ffebcd blanchedalmond 블란체달몬드
    ■ deb887 burlywood 벌리우드
    ■ cd853f peru 페루
    ■ 00ced1 darkturquoise 다크터콰이즈
    ■ 00bfff deepskyblue 딥스카이블루
    ■ 7fffd4 aquamarine 아쿠아마린
    ■ 1e90ff dodgerblue 도저블루
    ■ 00ffff cyan 시안
    ■ f0fff0 honeydew 허니듀
    ■ 87cefa lightskyblue 라이트스카이블루
    ■ afeeee paleturquoise 팔레터콰이즈
    ■ e0ffff lightcyan 라이트시안
    ■ add8e6 lightblue 라이트블루
    ■ add8e6 lightsteelblue 라이트스틸블루
    ■ 40e0d0 turquoise 터콰이즈
    ■ 48d1cc mediumturquoise 미디엄터콰이즈
    ■ 00ffff aqua 아쿠아
    ■ 7b68ee mediumslateblue 미디움슬레이트블루
    ■ 191970 midnightblue 미드나이트블루
    ■ 6495ed cornflowerblue 콘플라워블루
    ■ 0000cd mediumblue 미디움블루
    ■ 6a5acd slateblue 슬레이트블루
    ■ 4682b4 steelblue 스틸블루
    ■ 0000ff blue 블루
    ■ 483d8b darkslateblue 다크슬레이트블루
    ■ 5f9ea0 cadetblue 카뎃블루
    ■ 87ceeb skyblue 스카이블루
    ■ 4169e1 royalblue 로열블루
    ■ b0e0e6 powderblue 파우더블루
     000080 navy 네이비
    ■ 00008b darkblue 다크블루
    ■ 8a2be2 blueviolet 블루바이올렛
    ■ 8b008b darkmagenta 다크마그네타
    ■ 9932cc darkorchid 다크오치드
    ■ 9400d3 darkviolet 다크바이올렛
    ■ ff00ff magenta 마그네타
    ■ ff00ff fuchsia 퍼츠샤
    ■ c71585 mediumvioletred 미디움바이올렛레드
    ■ ba55d3 mediumorchid 미디움오치드
    ■ 9370db mediumpurple 미디움퍼플
    ■ dc143c crimson 크림슨
    ■ ff1493 deeppink 딥핑크
    ■ ffb6c1 lightpink 라이트핑크
    ■ ff69b4 hotpink 핫핑크
    ■ ffc0cb pink 핑크
    ■ dda0dd plum 플럼
    ■ 800080 purple 퍼플
    ■ ee82ee violet 바이올렛
    ■ d8bfd8 thistle 디스틀
    ■ da70d6 orchid 오치드
    ■ 4b0082 indigo 인디고
    ■ a52a2a brown 브라운
    ■ e9967a darksalmon 다크샐몬
    ■ f08080 lightcoral 라이트코랄
    ■ cd5c5c indianred 인디안레드
    ■ ffa07a lightsalmon 라이트샐몬
    ■ db7093 palevioletred 팔레바이올렛레드
    ■ f4a460 sandybrown 샌디브라운
    ■ fa8072 salmon 샐몬
    ■ ff6347 tomato 토마토
    ■ ff4500 orangered 오렌지레드
    ■ ff0000 red 레드
    ■ 800000 maroon 마룬
    ■ 8b0000 darkred 다크레드
    ■ b22222 firebrick 파이어브릭
    ■ d2691e chocolate 초콜렛
    ■ 8b4513 saddlebrown 새들브라운
    ■ a0522d sienna 시에나
    ■ bc8f8f rosybrown 로지브라운
    ■ ff7f50 coral 코랄
    ■ ff8c00 darkorange 다크오렌지
    ■ ffa500 orange 오렌지
    ■ b8860b darkgoldenrod 다크골덴로드
    ■ ffd700 gold 골드
    ■ ffff00 yellow 옐로우
    ■ 7fff00 chartreuse 차트리우스
    ■ 7cfc00 lawngreen 라운그린
    ■ 00ff00 lime 라임
    ■ 32cd32 limegreen 라임그린
    ■ 00ff7f springgreen 스프링그린
    ■ 3cb371 mediumseagreen 미디움씨그린
    ■ adff2f greenyellow 그린옐로우
    ■ 8fbc8f darkseagreen 다크씨그린
    ■ 0ee90 lightgreen 라이트그린
    ■ 8fb98 palegreen 팔레그린
    ■ 9acd32 yellowgreen 옐로우그린
    ■ 2e8b57 seagreen 씨그린
    ■ 00fa9a mediumspringgreen 미디움스프링그린
    ■ 20b2aa lightseagreen 라이트씨그린
    ■ 66cdaa mediumaquamarine 미디움아쿠아마린
    ■ 228b22 forestgreen 포레스트그린
    ■ 008b8b darkcyan 다크시안
    ■ 008080 teal 틸
    ■ 006400 darkgreen 다크그린
    ■ 556b2f darkolivegreen 다크올리브그린
    ■ 008000 green 그린
    ■ 808000 olive 올리브
    ■ 6b8e23 olivedrab 올리브드래브
    ■ bdb76b darkkhaki 다크카이
    ■ daa520 goldenrod 골덴로드

    '끄적끄적' 카테고리의 다른 글

    장희진콘서트  (2) 2010.12.14
    우리아이가좋아하는 클래식보드  (1) 2010.12.14
    Nespresso Event  (2) 2010.11.18
    지식E채널-핀란드의 실험  (3) 2010.03.05
    결혼 2주년 기념 갈비찜 요리  (1) 2009.12.31