iPod touch/iPhone $6.99 -> Free pmg PassCode 1.3.2

2010. 2. 19. 08:00
2009년 헝가리에서 Business관련 유료 app 1위에 오른 app입니다.

이메일, Website, sns site, Credit card 등등 정보관리를 해주는 app입니다.

6.99라는 좀 터무니 없는 가격이긴하지만, 공짜로 받으면 쓸만해 보입니다.

UI도 괜찮구요... 

pmg PassCode 1.3.2

Category: Business
Price: $6.99 -> Free (iTunes)


Use PassCode to safely store information like e-mail accounts, community and other website logins and passwords, personal IDs, bank & credit cards, eBay and merchant services logins, membership cards, bank and financial account information, wifi connects and any personal notes you want to keep safe and secure. PassCode secures your critical information using unique encryption and master password protection.

#1 Paid App in the Hungary (September 2009)
#1 Business Paid App in the Hungary (September 2009)

It is important to know that your personal data are stored in categories (eg: e-mail accounts, credit cards, eBay and PayPal logins, Google accounts, Website logins... etc) where you can modify and edit them anytime or add new categories as well! To support your data storage create your own categories and templates.


[Intuitive User Interface]:
- Simple easy to use
- Personal data to be recorded in categories
- 9 unique themes
- More than 70 unique icons
- Short description for the usage

[Sorted by Categories]:
- To support your data storage create your own categories and templates
- 10 recorded categories, that you can edit, modify or add new ones
- Your personal and confidential data can be recorded to unlimited amount.
- Optional field to be edited: On line text, Multiple line text, Password, Date, Telephone, Web address, E-mail
- Your data are shown by ABC or categories

- Favorites panel
- Passwords
- New item (categories)
- Safety Settings
- The pmg PassCode consists of over 60 screens, each page was uniquely designed to provide visual attraction.

[Safety Settings]:
- Master Password
- Auto-Lock
- Generated passwords
- Data encryption
- Self-Destruction
- Content in the next update: Backup/Restore

- Your data are shown by ABC or categories
- Favorites panel for the most frequently used personal data
- Help: short or detailed description for the usage
- Available languages: English, German, Hungarian


Check out screenshots at www.pmgApps.net
More info & online support: www.pmgApps.net
Follow me on twitter: www.twitter.com/pmgApps

What's New

pmg PassCode v1.3.2 latest update:

- Feedback panel to improve

Coming soon v1.5:
- Backup/Restore functions
pmg PassCode

iPod touch/iPhone $0.99 -> Free iDroid Mini Browser 1.0

2010. 1. 31. 13:54

Browser를 좀더 편리하게 쓸수 있는 app입니다.

Visual bookmark도 제공해주고 mini browser모드도 제공해주네요.

제한된 시간만큼만 무료입니다.

iDroid Mini Browser 1.0

Category: Utilities
Price: $0.99 -> Free (iTunes)


Video Demo: http://tinyurl.com/idroidmini

iDroid Mini Browser is an innovative browser designed specifically for the revolutionary multi touch iPhone.Inspired by iPhone's Safari,Android browser and Opera min. A definitely must have for all iPhone and iPod Touch users!

● Interactive Tab browsing:
Innovative tab browsing designed only for the iPhone. The active tab is shown by green light. When the web browser is loading, the green light will blink.

● Full Screen Browsing:
Want to enjoy web pages in full screen? There is NO button for that... Simply rotate you iPhones/iPod Touches to landscape :)

● Advanced caching algorithm:
Ensures fast loading of websites!

● Preview Tab:
A real comfortable way to take a peek at other tab while staying on the current tab. Tap and hold any inactive tab to preview.

● Smart Url:
The smart url is inspired by google chrome. Suggestions from Google.com appear as user type the url. It saves time and makes browsing experience better.

● Quick Links (Visual favourites):
Inspired by many leading browser, apparently this feature is currently missing. In iDroid Mini Browser, user can add their own Quick Links to access their favorite website very quickly!

● Sleek graphic:
Meticulously designed UI for more pleasant experience. Many of the UI is inspired by other famous browsers, but has been carefully designed to fit the iPhone perfectly.

● Find in page:
Now you can search any words in any web page!

The one feature which is worth highlighting is the tab browsing. The iPhone has a small screen, therefore using the conventional tabs found in most desktop browser is very inconvenient to use. While Apple has created a new way to have “tabs”, there are not really tabs. And the tabs also doesn’t load simultaneously.

iDroid Mini Browser solution to tabs browsing on iPhone is to have tabs shown below. There are 4 tabs ( due to processing limitation on the old iPhones) available for the user to switch. Each tab has a LED light which show the loading progress of that particular tab. When there is no light it means that tab is not loading, blinking LED light means that tab is loading a web page , and finally green light means that tab has finished loading a web page.

Please please contact me if you have any suggestions, complaints or just wan to know about me :)

iPod touch/iPhone Mappity Quakes 1.3 $4.99 -> Free

2010. 1. 14. 08:24
최근 24시간동안 발생한 전세계 지진현황을 알려주는 app입니다.

최근에도 아이티에서 지진이 일어나서 많은 사람들이 피해를 입었는데요...

많이 안타깝습니다.

제 Twitter( Link )를 follow 최신 app정보를 좀더 빠르게 확인하실 수 있습니다.

Mappity Quakes 1.3

Category: News
Price: $4.99 -> Free (iTunes)


Mappity Quakes shows the locations of earthquakes worldwide for the last 24 hours. See exactly where earthquakes occurred with the OpenStreetMap based map view or view the most recent earthquakes as a list.

• Custom mapping based on OpenStreetMap data.
• Earthquake data from the USGS.
• Handy links to report earthquakes to the USGS, look them up in Google News, or see what people are saying on Twitter.

(Mappity Quakes was formerly known as TapMap Quakes.)

What's New

• Now sorts quakes by date, magnitude, or distance in the list view.
• Switched to Cloudmade map tiles.
• Faster launch time.
• List view scrolls faster.
• Fixed a couple of crashing bugs.
• Fixed a bug with centering on current location.
Mappity Quakes

Contact manager app입니다.

iPhone이 contact 의 부가기능들이 좀 약한 면이 있지요.

아래 app로 좀더 user가 사용하기 편한 환경을 제공해 줄 수 있을 것 같네요.

제한된 시간동안 무료이니.. 고민하시지 마시고 미리 받아두시길...

제한시간 무료는 금방 유료되더라구요..

제 Twitter( Link )를 follow 해주시면 좀더 많은 정보를 보실 수 있습니다.

STL Contacts Manager 1.02

Category: Productivity
Price: $4.99 -> Free (iTunes)


FREE for a limited time! Get it while it's hot!!

WARNING: After using this app, you will NEVER go back to using another Contacts app again.

This app has been designed from the ground up to let you do all your basic contact tasks MUCH more efficiently.

Features include:

1. Quick launch time
2. Call, SMS, map and email any contact with a single click.
3. Better keypad dialer that searches for contacts as you type.
4. Easily create groups and smart filters, such as all your friends in New York, or coworkers with birthdays etc.
5.Add new contacts faster - suggestions are given as you type, so youdon't have to retype the same last name or business name again.
6. Integrated email and maps, so you don't have to leave the app to access them. Email all the contacts within a group at once.
7.Create networks of contacts, so you know how your contacts are relatedto each other. For example, I click on a contact and can see whichother contacts on my list they know and how.
8. Maintain a permanent (and editable) call out history of every contact you have.
9. Fresh new interface to find contact information quicker.
10. Synchronize your contacts with Facebook (requires version 3.1 of Facebook iPhone app).

Visitour support URL for more screenshots and description. Please send anystability issues to our support email address below. We will bereleasing free updates that incorporate your feedback.

What's New

- Added support for business only contacts
- Fixed bugs with changing colors of multiple tabs
- Better network relation management
STL Contacts Manager


iPod touch/iPhone Korean Trailers $0.99 -> Free

2010. 1. 13. 17:01
영화 관련 정보를 얻을 수 있는 application이 나왔네요.

최신 영화에대한 평도 볼 수 있고.. 예고편도 볼 수 있다고하네요.

영화예고편 - Korean Trailers 2.0.0

Category: Entertainment
Price: $0.99 -> Free (iTunes)


Must Have App!! 모두가 기다리던 바로 그 어플!!

매일 매일 새로운 영화예고편을 여러분의 아이팟에서 보실 수 있습니다.

[영화예고편] Trailers Korean 은 1400여편의 국내외 개봉영화의 예고편과 포스터, 감독, 주연, 개봉일등 다양한 정보를 보실 수 있습니다.

한번 업데이트로 영화정보를 모두 받아보실 수 있고, WiFi가 지원되는곳에서 예고편을 감상할 수 있습니다. 또한 예고편 다운로드를 통해 WiFi가 지원되지 않는곳에서도 예고편을 감상하실 수 있습니다.

지금 바로 여러분의 아이팟에 영화관을 심어보세요~
# 1400여편의 예고편이 매주 업데이트 됩니다.
# 무선인터넷이 지원되지 않는곳에서도 감상하실 수 있도록 예고편 다운로드 가능
# 영화정보(감독, 주연, 줄거리, 개봉일 등)을 보실 수 있습니다.
# 좋아하는 영화만을 따로 편집하실 수 있습니다. (별표 모양의 버튼 클릭)
# 환상적인 Flow모드 지원으로 손쉽게 영화를 검색하실 수 있습니다.
# 해당 인터넷 페이지 및 영화사이트로 이동가능(WiFi 연결상태)
# 카테고리 검색제공(배우, 감독, 쟝르)

한국의 AVA Entertainment와 xTeo가 손을잡고 만들었습니다!

What's New

- Mostly rewritten to take full advantage of iPhoneOS +3.x
- Push Notification of new trailers
- Tweeter integration
- Featured Trailers
- Better search
- Faster across the board
- Integrated In-App-Purchase to unlock the full feature set
- many bug fixes and nice improvements


iPhone/iPod touch $1.99 -> Free PhotoScatter 1.1

2009. 12. 24. 07:06
사진을 여러 SNS Site에 Upload 가능한 app입니다.

아래 그림처럼 많은 site를 지원해주네요.

유용해 보이는 app이니 많이들 받으세요^^

PhotoScatter 1.1

Category: Photography
Price: $1.99 -> Free (iTunes)


As featured on VentureBeat, BusinessWeek, MobileWhack, iPhoneFreak, and more ...

"Simple but effective app" - VentureBeat

"Quite simple to use" - MobileWhack

"This app is ideal for me" - Terry White


PhotoScatter Pro takes the free version to the next level.

If you like the free version, then you're gonna LOVE the paid app.

First off, PhotoScatter Pro has NO ADVERTISEMENTS.

All ads have been removed from the pro version.

Next, the paid version has a more optimized submission process.... (photos submit faster using the pro version).

Also, we have added a optional description to your photos.

Unlike the free version, PhotoScatter Pro allows you to add a description (as well as a title) to all the photos you submit.

Another thing the pro version offers is free updates for life!

We plan on adding more premium services to this app, and if we raise the price of this app, you will still be entitled to free updates.

PhotoScatter is the simplest way to send photos from your iPhone or iPod Touch to many of the top photo sharing sites.

Simply ... 

1. Select or Take a photo
2. Choose the sites you want to submit to
3. Add a title and description (optional)
4. Submit

It's that easy!

Version 1 of PhotoScatter supports the following sites:

Twitter (twitpic)
(more coming soon)

You can submit to ALL of the sites above with one click, or only one or two... it's completely up to you.

Never before has it been this easy to get a photo from your iPhone or iPod Touch to your favorite photo sharing sites, and never again will you EVER have to submit photos the "Old Way" ;-)

Join over 15,000 other PhotoScatter users by downloading your copy today!

Looking forward to seeing your photos!


Ryan Wade

iPod touch/iPhone $4.99 -> Free File Ninja 1.2

2009. 12. 18. 08:19
 iPod 이나 iPhone에는 따로 file explorer가 없습니다.

아래 file Ninja는 무선망을 이용해서 Server나 Google Docs등에

파일을 쉽게 upload / download 할 수 있는 app입니다.

Google Picasa로 사진도 Upload 가능하고, Server에 있는 영화나 음악 등을

제한적으로 Play가 가능합니다.

없으신 분들은 하나쯤 받아두세요^^

File Ninja 1.2

Category: Productivity
Price: $4.99 -> Free (iTunes)


File Ninja is a wireless hard drive, media browser and Google Documents reader rolled into one application. 

The core functionality of File Ninja is as a wireless hard drive. Drag and drop files to File Ninja, or view your files in any web browser, with no additional software required. 

File Ninja's user interface is streamlined to provide quick access to your documents, movies and pictures. File Ninja takes advantage of landscape mode and the iPhone/iPod Touch widescreen. The media browsing experience is enhanced with "Carousel", an offering that utilizes the revolutionary touch interface of the iPhone and iPod Touch and presents your files as large (128x128) icons that make browsing easier by clearly displaying file types, file names, and previews for images and PDFs.

With File Ninja's tight Google Documents integration, you can upload to, sync with and browse your Google Docs anywhere, anytime. With File Ninja, you can upload documents from your iPhone to your Google Docs account. Browsing and syncing your Google Docs with File Ninja is easy with a familiar interface throughout the app.     

We hope you enjoy File Ninja. For more information and support, visit 

== Detailed Features for File Ninja == 

Connect to the wireless hard drive via WebDAV using any of the following clients:
- Finder (OSX)
- Cyberduck (OSX)
- Windows Explorer (Windows XP)
- davfs2 (Linux)
- Any WebDAV-compliant client!

Supported document formats include:
- MS Office

Plays all movies and sound supported by Quicktime on the iPhone/iPod Touch. These include (but are not limited to):
- H.264

Other features include:
- View your Google Documents as PDFs with all formatting and images
- Email your Google Document PDFs to friends
- Upload documents to Google Docs (HTML,TXT,MSWord,RTF,ODT)
- Upload photos to Google Picasa
- Optional "Carousel" view displays 128x128 icons for file types and previews PDFs and images 
- Browse and download files from the device via any web browser
- Picture viewer has a built-in slideshow mode for easily browsing directories of images
- Export photos to iPhoto while viewing
- Email any files (10MB size limit applies)
- Syntax highlighting for popular programming languages (PHP,JAVA,PERL,C++, and more)
- Compress/Decompress folders and files using ZIP format
- Google Docs intelligent sync downloads most recent versions of documents
- File server can be turned off
- Basic access authentication is used to prevent unauthorized access to your files
- Easy access to WiFi IP address, remaining disk space and WiFi availability by "shaking" the app 

Email support@owomi.com if you experience problems with this product. Specify "File-Ninja" in the subject line for a quick response.

What's New

* Added in application upgrade option
* Performance improvements
* Improved carousel view
* Lower memory consumption

iPhone/iPod Touch $3.99 -> Free app Plane Sight 1.1

2009. 12. 16. 07:42
비행기에 관심있으신 분들은 받아보세요.

비행기에 대한 정보를 참고할 수 있는 app입니다.

이번주만 무료인 app 이니 참고하시기 바랍니다.

Plane Sight 1.1

Category: Reference
Price: $3.99 -> Free (iTunes)


Plane Sight is free this week to celebrate the first flight of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner.

Portable, self-contained copy of the FAA Aircraft Registry.

Look up the details for any interesting airplane: model, builder, year, engine, owner. Perfect for aviation history fans, private pilots, experimental aircraft builders, and journalists. Take this app to your next fly-in or airshow.

No network connection needed, and faster than a web-based lookup.

Free this week to honor the first flight of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner.

What's New

Updated database.

Shake for a random airplane.

Plane Sight

iPhone Camera application $0.99 -> Free

2009. 12. 16. 07:34
Camera 관련 app 2개 소개해드립니다.

Dual Digital Zoom은 말그대로 돋보기같은 역할을 하는 app이구요

Blackbox는 Camera 사진에 효과를 입히는 app입니다.

일정기간 무료이니 관심있는 분들은 받아가세요~

Dual Digital ZOOM Magnifier glass 1.1

Category: Utilities
Price: $0.99 -> Free (iTunes)



Dual Zoom is a hand held magnifying glass which helps you to read small characters or see enlarged versions of small images 

You can freeze what you see and then save it in your photo library if you decide to do so 

With this magnifying glass you can choose to enlarge the image from 1x to 5x 

The uses for this magnifying glass are varied and include reading written material in small font sizes, observing insects, observing small detailing on items such as jewelry, coins or paper money or looking at small hardware parts such as a screw, bolt or nut as well as electronic parts 

You will certainly find more uses!


Dual Zoom est une loupe qui permet de lire des petits caractères ou voir de petites images.

Vous pouvez figer ce que vous voyez, puis enregistrez l'image dans votre bibliothèque de photos.

Avec cette loupe, vous pouvez choisir d'agrandir l'image de 1x à 5x

Les utilisations de cette loupe sont variés et comprennent la lecture de documents écrits dans de petites tailles de polices, l'observation des insectes, en observant les petits détails sur des objets tels que des bijoux, pièces de monnaie ou des petites éléments tel qu'une petite vis, boulon ou un écrou ainsi que des composants électroniques.

Vous trouverez certainement d'autres usages !

What's New

Loading faster
Bigger buttons
Chargement plus rapide
Plus grand boutons

Camera FX BlackBox 1.0.3

Category: Photography
Price: $0.99 -> Free (iTunes)


For a limited time, Camera FX BlackBox is free to celebrate the release of Grizzly, the teddy bear kung fu game! Check it out!

Featured in The Appcast - Notably good photo apps

New in 1.0.3:

* There are now 10% more possible filter effects.

* Better control over filters using the touch screen

* Significantly reduced noise for certain filter combinations

From the makers of the powerful
48-bit art and photograph editor
TwilightBrush comes Camera FX
BlackBox. We took the best
filtering tool from TwilightBrush
to create a unique and powerful
camera filter app.

Introducing the photographic
filter black box with thousands
of camera effects! Camera FX
BlackBox turns boring photos
into beautiful works of art.
Take a picture or open a photo
and Camera FX will start running
limitless color filters based on
hue, saturation, color channels,
and more - ever changing based
on the accelerometer on the
phone. Rotate the phone and
Camera FX will apply new and
different filters. Or just sit
back and watch the show until
you find a look for your photo
that you like, then pause and
save to add it to your photo

*If an image goes by too
quickly, push the rewind
button to go back to a photo
you like.

*Use the pause button to slow
down the rate at which images
go by.

*Save as wallpaper and/or email
photos with Apple's Photos.app

Youtube video demonstration:

iPod touch/iPhone $1.99 -> Free Handy Converter 1.0

2009. 12. 15. 10:42
Converter app입니다.

없으신 분들은 유용하게 쓰실 수 있으실 것 같네요.

지난번 Smart converter 무료로 제공될때 못받으신 분들은 받아보세요^^

Handy Converter 1.0

Category: Productivity
Price: $1.99 -> Free (iTunes)


Handy Converter is a smart productivity application with hi-end conversion functionality. User-friendly interface and updatable currency rates will guarantee you orderly shopping and exchange operations. With Handy Converter you always get what you need for the right price whether at home or abroad.

Handy Converter features:

- Updatable Currency Rates provided by Bank of Canada, European Central Bank or Central Bank of Russia – an Internet connection is required; 
- Quick and easy conversion between different currencies;
- Conversion between different measurement systems. Switch instantly over linear, square, temperature, volume, weight, speed, torque, and power measures;
- Fast and clear clothing and shoe size conversions separately for men, women, and kids;
- About 100 conversion units including more than 30 world currencies and 7 major cloths size standards.
Handy Converter
