꽤 잼있는 app입니다.

iPod touch나 iPhone에 있는 사진을 가지고 puzzle을 만들 수 있네요.

일정기간 무료인 app이오니 미리 받아두시길^^

Mark Cuban's Puzzle Palace 1.0

Category: Games
Price: $0.99 -> Free (iTunes)


Mark Cuban’s Puzzle Palace – now available through your iPhone and iPod Touch*

This app is your very own puzzle creator! It was created by Mark Cuban & Rock Software and it allows you to take pictures from your library or from Mark’s library and break them up into puzzle pieces and then piece them back together.

If you are using an iPhone, you can even take a new picture through your camera and break it up too.

There are 3 different levels with the third level being the most challenging.

This is a fun game for all ages! Post your records onto your Twitter and Facebook pages after you complete each game to brag to your friends (internet connection needed).

We welcome your feedback. If you have any requests, find any bugs or are if you are having any issues please email support@rocksoftware.com or visit www.rocksoftware.com

*Important iPod Touch User Information – you are only limited to pictures stored on your device and Mark’s library.

Mark Cuban's Puzzle Palace

iPhone scanR Business card scanner

2009. 12. 4. 08:15
유용한 app을 소개드립니다.

아래 app은 카메라를 이용하기때문에, iPhone에서만 사용이 가능합니다.

아래 app을 제작한 업체와 회의 하면서 demo를 본적이 있는데요,

나름 business하시는 분들에게는 괜찮은 app이라고 생각이 됩니다.

기능은 간단하게 말해서, 명함이나, 문서 등을 카메라로 찍으면 카메라로 찍은 사진을

자동으로 자기들 server에 올려 좀더 사진을 선명하고 깨끗하게 처리하여 

다시 폰으로 보내줍니다. 

언제까지 행사를 할 지는 모르겠지만...

$4.99 app이 당분간 $0.99로 할인행사 하네요^^ 

scanR Business Card Scanner 1.0

Category: Business
Price: $4.99 -> $0.99 (iTunes)


*** Holiday Special Pricing! ***

Turn your iPhone 3gs into a highly accurate business card scanner!

Our service was independently tested by Frost & Sullivan against the market leading desktop card scanner, and scanR Business Card came out on top for accuracy.

Simply run the application, which will guide you to take a close-up picture of the business card, and then upload to our award-winning service. scanR processes the picture and emails you the most accurate results possible as a standard .vcf file and a digital copy of the card for future reference!

scanR Business Card Scanner supports US, Canadian and Japanese business cards.


Google wave에서 Twitter 사용하기

2009. 12. 3. 16:43
Google wave에서 Twitter 사용하는 방법을 알려드리겠습니다.

일단 Google wave 왼쪽 하단에서 contact 추가를 누르신다음

tweety-wave@appspot.com 을 추가해주시면 됩니다.

추가해 주시고 New wave를 생성해 추가된 Tweety the twitbot을 같이 작업하도록 설정해주시면

아래와 같은 인증창이 뜨고 Twitter 다이얼로그가  생성 될것 입니다.

다이얼로그가 안보이시는 분들은 Popup 이 막혀서 그러니 오른쪽 하단의 팝업해제

버튼을 누르셔서 팝업을 해제해주시면 Twitter 인증하는 다이얼로그가 생성됩니다.

여기서 인증을 끝내면 아래와 같이 wave에 Twitter가 연동이 됩니다.


나름 시간가는줄 모르고 하는 Game입니다.

생각보다 잼있네요^^

TriDefense 1.2.0

Category: Games
Price: $3.99 -> Free (iTunes)




As part of the http://appventcalendar.com promotion, we're making TriDefense free for today. Get it while it lasts!


►►►► VERSION 1.2 IS HERE ◀◀◀◀

New features:
• SURVIVAL MODE for all missions.
• New Mission 05 - The Ambush.

Remember to restart your iPhone after installing/updating to avoid technical issues. 

Also check out the free version of TriDefense with in-app downloads!


Winner of the Mobile Game Award - 4th National Video Games Contest - Uruguay 



Gain control of Zorganto, fighting your way against the Bombdroids, with an arsenal of powerful towers.

TriDefense is a new tower defense game with a unique feature: modifiable terrain. This opens a whole new world of possible strategies to win the game.

Get engaged with the challenging missions, discover new strategies to fight the new water enemies along the classic air and ground ones, but most of all, have tons of fun!


Flood the land, or build over water, creating new paths for your enemies. Use it to explore new and unique strategies. 

Place your towers freely in the battle field, and expect your enemies coming from virtually anywhere. 

Beat your enemies in several missions, each one with unique objectives and a carefully planned terrain to challenge you. Enjoy each mission in the Rookie difficulty and get ready for the Expert!

Besides the ground and air enemies available in most tower defense games, fight the new water enemies. Look out for the smart enemies too. 

Deploy your 18-strong tower arsenal, each one with multiple upgrade paths. 

Use your ear to know where the enemies are coming from! 

▶ OPEN FEINT On-line scoreboard.

2x & 4x speed

Play any mission in survival mode and see how many waves can you resist.

What's New

• SURVIVAL MODE for ALL missions.
• New Mission 05 - The Ambush

우리나라 여성 요리 blog로 유명해지신 분이 , Apple store에 app을

올렸습니다. 저도 가지고 있는데요, 여성분들에겐 유용해보이는  app입니다.

음식할때 따로 컴퓨터에 왔다갔다하거나 프린트안해서 봐도 되구요..

12월 8일까지만 50% sale한다니.. 그동안 사려고 하신분들은 사시면 되겠네요^^

YummyCook Recipes 1.0

Category: Lifestyle
Price: $3.99 -> $1.99 (iTunes)


12. 1 공지

아이폰 출시 기념으로 일주일간 50% 할인
행사를 진행 합니다.
12.1 ~ 12.8 까지 기회를 놓치지 마세요~

11. 17 공지

현재 업데이트 버전을 업로드
애플측의 사유로 인해 리젝 처리 되었습니다.
수정 후 재 개시 하였으나
2주 간의 심사 후 재 업로드 되오니
그 점 참고 하여 주시기 바랍니다.
업데이트 내용은 
아래 내용을 참조해 주세요
차 후 업데이트에 기능적인 부분 및
소스 부분도 보강 할 예정 입니다.

1. 레시피 소스 10종 추가

2. 요리 레시피 마다 자신의 팁을 적을 수 있는
메모장 기능 추가
1) 개별 메모 후 메모가 있는 레시피 옆에는
쪽지 모양의 아이콘 배열

3. 구입목록의 인터페이스 강화 
1) 소수점 자리수 , 표기 기능
2) 합계 부분의 체크에 의한 금액 가감 기능
3) 액션 버튼 추가에 의한 인터페이스 강화

4. 음식 즐겨찾기 추가 시 New 버튼 표시 

5. 쿡타이머 알람 기능 강화
1) 1세대 내장 알람음 작동
2) 2세대 효과음 작동
3) 아이폰 효과음 및 진동 작동

6. 모든 검색 기능 사용 후 어플 종료 후에도
이전 검색 목록 저장 


Yummycook's Recipes were seen only on blog or book. 
Now, it is launched into iPod application so whenever and wherever you can easily find it.
Yummycook was selected as a 2008 powerbloger by Naver and almost 9,000 people per day visited her blog.
In this blog, she introduces how to cook and how to treat children well in this blog.
If you follow her kind recipes, you may alreay have pretty delicious cusine.
It contains total 99 Korean and fusion recipes including cooking basics and those are categorized by sort or theme.
It also functions as a 'cook timer', useful for cooking, and as a 'shopping list', the check list when going to market.
Yummycook's Recipe is broken from the concept of 'E-Book'
Now, be proud of your cooking wherever you are.

블로그나 책으로만 볼 수 있었던
요리천사의 행복밥상 이 편리하게 어디서나
볼 수 있는 아이팟 어플리케이션 으로 
출시 되었습니다.
2008 네이버 PowerBlog 로 선정되어
하루 9,000 명 가까이 블로그에 방문
요리와 더불어 아이들 잘 키우는 법 을
가르치고 있는
요리계의 어머니인 요리천사의 친절한
설명대로 요리를 하다보면 어느새 맛있고 
예쁜 요리가.. 짜잔~^^
요리의 기본, 종류별 요리, 테마별 요리 등
총 99가지 맛있는 한국요리 및 퓨전요리가 
수록되어 있습니다.
요리할 때 유용한 '쿡타이머' 기능과
장 볼때 체크 리스트로 쓸 수 있는 
'구입목록' 기능 까지 수록!
E-Book의 개념을 탈피한 요리천사의 행복밥상!
이젠 집에서는 물론 밖이나 여행지 등에서도 맛있는
요리를 뽐내 보세요.

- 주요기능
- Main functions
1. 'Find Favorites' for dishes you enjoy
2. 'Cook Timer' for alarming
3. 'Shopping List' capable of saving and loading. It may be useful when you go to market
or when you want to remember something.

1. 즐겨 먹는 요리에 대한 즐겨찾기 기능
2. 요리할 때 시간을 재며 알람을 울려주는 쿡타이머 기능
3. 장 보거나 기억할 일이 있을 때 쓸 수 있으며 저장, 불러오기 가 가능한 장보기 기능

'Application world > LifeStyle' 카테고리의 다른 글

iPod touch/iPhone $0.99 -> free app(Secret Diary)  (5) 2009.11.30

iPod touch/iPhone $0.99 -> free TwitBird Premium

2009. 12. 1. 08:32

Twitter사용자라면 하나정도는 가지고 있어야할 app입니다.

저는 TwitBird Pro 를 사용하고 있는데요.. Twitbrid Pro보다는 좀 떨어지는 것 같지만

그래도 나름 괜찮습니다.

TwitBird Premium


TwitBird Premium is a fast, flexible, rich featured twitter client for iPhone and iPod touch.It has a lot of cool features that you see in other twitter apps but rarely together. It offers everything you'd expect for a good twitter client, from your timeline to search. It is such a powerful twitter client with simple user interface, people will find no difficulties to use all the features. 

● In-App-Badges to show number of unread tweets
● Landscape mode supported everywhere 
● Address Book 
● Group feature
● Inline picture preview
● Tweet Music/Now Playing
● Tweet Your Voice
● Tweet Video
● Save link to read later
● Two Themes
● Custom background image

● TwitBird-to-TwitBird push comes with the app, it is instant
● Global Push as in app purchase, It will push any mentions and direct messages to you in minutes
● Supports Mentions and Direct Messages

● View your twitter timeline, replies, and direct messages
● Manage your favorite tweets
● Browse your following and followers
● Compose new tweets, 
● Reply directly to tweets and send direct messages
● Follow and un-follow people
● Twitlonger supported
● Uses secure connection (https)
● Custom searches
● Nearby searching
● Save your favorite searches
● landscape keyboard
● Conversational Threaded tweets
● Twitter API Proxy
● Settings
● Trending topics
● View and edit my profile
● Find people
● Email tweets
● Delete tweets from server
● Picture preview inside message
● Shorten ULR
● Upload photo to Twitpic, yFrog, MobyPciture 
● Set nearby distance 
● Unread/All message filter 
● Block/Unblock 

For news, supports or feedback, please follow Twitbird on twitter : twitter.com/TwitBird, or send email to service@nibirutech.com 

- What's the difference between TwitBird Premium and TwitBird Pro?
Answer: The Pro version supports 7 twitter accounts, the Premium version supports 2 twitter accounts

What's new

● Video Recording
● Audio Recording 
● Hash tag support
● Tweet Music 
● Tweet Now Playing
● Graphics improvement 
● In App Setting 
● Quick Home Button
● New Theme
● Improved speed
● Scroll to refresh
● Bug Fixes


Screenshot 1 of 5

iPhone $3.99 -> Free app(for a while) Skreeky 1.1

2009. 12. 1. 08:20
근방 500m안에서 무전기 처럼 사용가능한 application입니다.

꽤 괜찮아 보이는 app이네요. 다만 iPod touch 에서는 사용 하지 못한다는게 좀 아쉽네요.

Skreeky 1.1

Category: Social Networking
Price: $3.99 -> Free (iTunes)


Skreeky is a position based audio chat that makes it possible for you to get in contact with your friends and make new friends by talking to all of them at the same time! You just download the application to your phone and turn it on. You will then immediately be connected to our server and be able to hear other users and add your own 5 second contributions. Chat away! If you want (and have GPS enabled) you can choose only to talk to people in your near area - you have a slider to define what radius around you want to listen and contribute too. Imagine you are out on the city. You turn the application on and choose a 500 meter radius. Suddenly you have a bunch of people talking about what is happening right now in your close area! You can ask for advice: Where do I get a good cup of coffee? What bar is happening right now?... or, you can just tell everyone what a wonderful day it is!

What's New

- smaller data traffic footprint
- one major (crash) and minor bug fixes
- better range handling


iPod touch/iPhone $0.99 -> free app(Secret Diary)

2009. 11. 30. 08:36

비밀 일기 app입니다.

일기 쓰시는 분들에겐 유용해 보일듯...

기능들을 살펴보면.. password, 자동 저장, 다양한 template, SNS site와 공유, backup & restore ... 등

다양한 기능이 있는것 같습니다.

Secret Diary ™ 2.02

Category: Lifestyle
Price: $0.99 -> Free (iTunes)


SECRET DIARY™ "keep you life... in secret"

NOW It's FREE!!!

For customers who has 2.0 BETA with a bug and had problems with previous entries (from 1.0) UPDATE to new stable version with THESE INSTRUCTIONS:

1) Backup your entries.
2) Delete app from the device.
3) Install a new version.
4) Restore your entries.

DIRECT update from bad 2.0 beta version is currently NOT available.

But updating FROM 1.0 is WITHOUT any problems!

SECRET DIARY™ is a great app for you to store your secret diary entries in a safe, password-protected place.
It's very simple to use and you can store your life. Whenever you get an idea or a feeling, just tab on SECRET DIARY and write it down, and you will find keeping a diary has never been this easy. Keeping a traditional, private diary is different from blogging on the web. It's about finding your inner-most feelings instead of sharing stories with your friends. 

It is intended to make keeping of your diary as much comfortable and secure as possible.


Let nobody think that it is easy to read you private life. Built-in passcode protect system and quick lock button watch over your data. 

When you write a new entry, someone will call you without fail. A built-in feature of autosave in short periods of time saves everything you have written, in oder to protect data from the loss.

• Full-text SEARCH of entries.
Don't waste time for paging through all the diary.

• Built-in TEMPLATES.
There is no need to type the same phrases all the time. The templates are divided into the most popular themes of the diary:
⋄ Common Diary, 
⋄ Travel Diary, 
⋄ Pregnancy Diary, 
⋄ Baby Diary, 
⋄ Diet Diary

Animate your entry with a picture of an event. Or create the whole gallery. In Secret Diary you'll never make your hands dirty with glue:).

They say, if you forget something, you should return to the place where you thought about it. Secret Diary remembers the locations, where you were writing your entries and you can always 'return' there due to built-in browser of Google maps.

Sometimes you want to share your thoughts with your friends. There is a special built-in module of export. You can share one or several messages via e-mail, to Facebook, Twitter or Blogger. Before sending an entry do not forget that the message may contain your private information. 

From time to time make backup of your entries, in order to be sure, that no firmware update or anything else can delete your data. You may always restore the entries due to a built-in upload web-server and your computer. Secret Diary also has an emergency restore feature, in case something happen to your database.

• landscape mode
• sounds
• change font size

This is not a complete list of the features. And this is far not everything that we are going to offer to you. Our team is always working to make Secret Diary more perfect and more comfortable for you.

Secret Diary™, Secret Diary™ logos are trademarks of Pavel Trafimuk

What's New

NEW in 2.02 

• fixed a bug in an updating module.

NEW in 2.0
• New UI
• Search
• Autosave
• Location Of Entries
• Sharing: Twitter, Facebook, Blogger
• Multiple pictures
• Export
• Backup/Restore

For customers who has 2.0 BETA with a bug and had problems with previous entries (from 1.0) UPDATE to new stable version with THESE INSTRUCTIONS:

1) Backup your entries.
2) Delete app from the device.
3) Install a new version.
4) Restore your entries.

DIRECT update from bad 2.0 beta version is currently NOT available.

But updating FROM 1.0 is WITHOUT any problems!
우리나라 지하철 노선도입니다. 저도 가지고 있는데요...

정말 유용합니다. 출발지와 목적지를 정해두면, 다음 지하철 시간도 알려주고,

환승시 몇번째 칸에서 타면 가장 빠른지도 알려주구요,

그리고 각 지하철역들 주변을 offline으로 지도도 보여줘서..

정말 쓸만한 app입니다. 제가말씀드린것 외에 더 많은 정보들을 얻을 수 있습니다.

아래 참고해서 보세요.

iKorway Korean Subway 2.0.1

Category: Navigation
Price: $2.99 -> $0.99 (iTunes)


This is Korean Subway Application

i Kor(ean) + (Sub)way

Supports most of all information
Each station's information.

only supports Korean version -> will support English next version

Contains all databases included so 100% offline version.

최고의 지하철 어플을 목표로 하는 iKorway입니다

구간검색기능과 지하철 정보를 찾아보실수 있습니다

그외 : 각 역 시간 정보, 역 주변 지도

전 도시 지원

기존 1.1 사용자 분들은 무료 업데이트입니다.

자세한 상황은 http://cafe.naver.com/appletouch.cafe ...

2.0.1버전 업데이트 작업중입니다.
- 버스 버그 수정
- 구간검색 UI 구조 수정
- 지도 데이터 최적화 (용량 축소 시도중)
전반적으로 유저분들의 피드백을 수용하여 수정중입니다.
새로운 UI로 시도하다보니 사용하는데 불편을 드려서 죄송합니다.

2.0.1버전이 심사중입니다.
2.0.1version is in review

3.0.0 개발중

3.0 개발중

3.0 Beta Testing

2009-11-28 ~ 30
한국 아이폰 개통기념 할인 $0.99

What's New

Supports English

Fixed user interface.

Fixed station points bug

Fixed bus information bug

New option: draw line, icon, animation of train

International edition is coming soon
(Supports English, Japanese, Chinese)

영문판이 추가되었습니다

구간 검색방식을 1.1 버전의 구조로 비슷하게 수정하였습니다

역 좌표 버그가 수정되었습니다

역 하나당 버스 노선정보가 하나만 뜨는 문제를 수정하였습니다

몇가지 새로운 기능이 추가되었습니다
선 그리기 기능을 수정할수 있도록 하였습니다
아이콘 기능을 추가 하였습니다.
애니메이션 기능으로 열차가 이동하는걸 보이도록 추가하였습니다

안내판의 전광판 방식의 불편한 점을 예전 버전 방식인 두줄짜리 전광판 방식으로 수정하였습니다.

구간 검색 결과 정보에 빠져있던 역간 소요 시간 정보가 추가되었습니다
가계부 관리에 좀더 편리함을 주는 app입니다.

도표로도 관리되어 꽤 유용하다고 볼 수 있쬬.

$3.99 가 무료로 제공되네요^^

iFinance 1.0.7

Category: Finance
Price: $3.99 -> Free (iTunes)


✶✶✶✶✶ Free for two weeks ✶✶✶✶✶

Ever wondered how much money you spend a day, but have too little time or patience to calculate the costs and do the planning? With Albax Finance all you need to do is tap the amount on your iPhone and see the live change to your financial state and possibilities.

Have control over your finances. Calculate your income, plan expenses and get an accurate prediction of the savings. Set up bold and transparent goals, and watch them materialize.

With Albax Finance you get:

✔ Nice design and friendly interface;
✔ An easy to use and time saving application with a quick numpad access;
✔ Categorization to keep your financial state transparent;
✔ Graphs to have your data simple and visual;
✔ Planner and calendar to estimate your savings, see past results and set up new goals.

Detailed features:

✓ Create/Edit/Delete expense and income entries
✓ Create/Delete categories and sub-categories
✓ Set a plan, and track expenses/income at the category/ level.
✓ Browse entries by month, week, day
✓ Support multiple accounts
✓ Pie/Bar charts for plans/expenses/income
✓ Pie/Bar charts can track separate categories and sub-categories
✓ Large numeric keypad for expense/income data entry
✓ Nice calendar