1억의 의미

2009. 12. 8. 13:30

1) 돈을 모아서 1억을 마련하는 방법

돈벌어서 저축을 하여 1억을 모으는 방법을 계산해보면 시중은행은 4%대 밖에 안되니깐 현재 가장 금리가 높은 

상호저축은행으로 계산해보겠습니다.


매월 100만원씩을 7년간 불입, 적금금리5.7% 적용하면


월불입금: 1,000,000원

납입원금총액: 84,000,000원

세전이자: 19,420,813원

세후이자: 16,430,008원



2)1억을 대출받아서 집장만 후에 장기간 갚는 경우

내가 정말 사고싶은 집이 급매로 나왔다고 가정해봅니다.

현재 살고있는 전세금+적금펀드 깨고 대출 1억쯤 받으면 매입이 가능할경우라면


대출금 1억, 원리금 균등상환, 대출기간 150개월(12년6개월) 대출금리 7.0%로 계산했을때


매월상환액: 1,002,159원

이자총액: 50,323,784원



분명히 확실히 비교가 되시나요?

많은 사람들이 1억대출받는 것을 별것 아니라고 생각합니다.

돈을 벌어서 아끼고 절약하여 매월 100만원씩 저축해서 7년간 꼬박 불입을 해야 1억이 마련됩니다. 

이때 7년간 벌어들인 이자수입은 1천6백4십만원

하지만 대출을 1억 받을 경우 매월 약 1백만원씩 원리금을 균등상환한다면 보시다시피 150개월이 걸립니다.

즉, 12년 반이 소요된다는거죠. 이때 이자총액은 5천만원이 넘습니다.


이 계산은 신한은행 싸이트에 예적금금리와 대출금리 계산기로 해보실 수 있습니다.

매월 100만원을 저축해서 1억만들려면 7년이 걸리지만, 대출받아서 매월 100만원씩 

원리금을 갚아나간다면 7년이 아니라 12년반이 걸린다는 것입니다.

만약에 한술 더떠서 대출기관이 제2금융권이라면?

설상가상으로 매월 100만원씩 못갚을 경우라면?

그땐 금액을 낮추고 기간을 연장해야 할테니...

매월 70만원정도로 상환하는걸로 해보니까 25년상환이 되네요.

그렇게 계산하니까 이자 총액이 드디어 원금을 넘어서네요.

총 이자는 112,033,759이 돼버립니다.

1억이라는 돈, 가진자에게는 별것 아닌것 처럼 보일 수도 있으나

서민들에게 큰 재앙을 가져 올 수 도 있습니다.

'재테크는 어떻게?' 카테고리의 다른 글

우리도 배워야할 핀란드의 경제정책  (1) 2009.12.28

iPod touch/iPhone $0.99->Free Zenga game(for limited time)

2009. 12. 8. 09:53
보드겜방에서 많이 해봤던 Zenga game입니다.

6명이 함께 할 수 있는 game이네요.^^

iStacked 1.0

Category: Games
Price: $0.99 -> Free (iTunes)


iStacked is based on the ever popular classic game called Jenga.

You have probably played it but don't know the game.

Play with your friends and see who topples the tower first.
The one who topples the tower, loses!

The object of the game is to remove bricks from the tower (anywhere except the top 3 levels) without making the tower fall.

Once you have removed the brick, you need to place it on top of the tower and build the tower higher. Again, you must not let the tower fall when placing the brick back on top.

As each brick is removed and placed on top, the tower becomes more and more unstable.

The person who causes the tower to fall, loses.

Remember to tilt your iPhone in the correct way to keep the tower stable as you remove and replace bricks.

iStacked is a must have game that no fun-loving household should be without. Behind its simple exterior there’s a surprisingly daring game that builds to a suspenseful, high-spirited climax when playing with friends.

iStacked quickly becomes the life of every party and is an ideal way to make the most of your quality time with family or friends.

It’s a great game to play for fun and excitement and it’s a game which everyone enjoys. So gather your friends and family and get ready for some enjoyable fun!

****You MUST read the instructions before you play for the first time****

20091208 iPod touch/iPhone latest paid->free app

2009. 12. 8. 08:10
오늘의 무료 app들 소개해드립니다.
Momentile은 일기장 비슷하게 하루의 즐거웠던 일들이나 공유하고 싶은 일들을 기록해 놓는 app이라고 할 수 있네요.
$4.99만큼은 아니지만 그래도 free로 받을 수 있으니 사용해보세요. iPhone user들에겐 유용해 보입니다.
Puzzle star는 그냥 puzzle game이라고 보시면되고, Verychat은  text messages, videos, photos, voice notes 등을
보낼수 있는 app입니다. Event list는 말 그대로 중요한 기념일을 알려주는 app이구요, Phone book에 저장되어 있는
생일도 import가 가능하다고 하니, 친구생일 챙기기엔 좋은 app일 것 같네요.
마지막 2개의 app(Moral stories for kids, 101 que dice)은 어린이 들을 위한 app 입니다. 아이가 있으신 분들은 영어공부도 되고, 괜찮은 app 인것 같습니다.

항상 최신 정보는 twitter(twitter.com/iamphoto) 에서 확인 하실 수 있으니, 
최신정보를 원하시는 분은 저를 follow 해주시기 바랍니다.^^

Momentile 1.2

Category: Social Networking
Price: $4.99 -> Free (iTunes)


You experience thousands of interesting moments every day. Share them on momentile.com and tell a tale without ever saying a word.
A Momentile™ consists of a single image, defined only by the date it was published. That's it. Void of explanation and free from context, a momentile is pure visual communication. Interact with others by observing the interesting, obscure, and mundane moments of everyday life.

Momentile for the iPhone and iPod touch makes it fast and easy to chronicle your days and share your interesting moments with friends, family and random stalkers. This is a full-featured client that lets you upload your daily momentile to your account, view the 'tiles of your stalkers, stalkees and everyone photo stream, and even invite friends to momentile.com

Don't have a Momentile account? No problem! Download the app and create a new account in seconds. All of your Momentile photos are saved on your Momentile.com account where you can hook up your photo stream to Twitter and Facebook. From there you can setup account notifications and reminders. You can even print your 'tiles on a mug or t-shirt!

Application Features
- Save any Momentile to use as your wallpaper.
- Caption and stash Momentiles.
- Stalk other Momentile users and receive notifications when they upload.
- Shake to view random Momentiles from all users.

Use your account to login at Momentile.com to:
- Link your account to Twitter to automatically tweet for you when you post your Momentile
- Companion Facebook application.
- Receive SMS and email notifications when your friends upload.*
- Receive SMS and email reminders to upload every day.*
- Print your Momentiles, Stalker or Stalkee avatars on a mug or t-shirt.

SMS notifications currently only supported on US carriers.*

What's New

- Added ability to upload avatar image.
- Fixed "hard to cancel" action sheet bug.

Puzzle Star 1.5.5

Category: Games
Price: $2.99 -> Free (iTunes)


* * * YES! IT'S FREE! * * *

For a limited time only, PUZZLE STAR is available for FREE! Tell your friends!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Puzzle Star is the star of all puzzle games! So much fun you won't be able to stop! 

Clear groups of similar squares by tapping on the screen, but pay attention! The more squares in a group, the higher your score when you tap! What may look simple is a true challenge! 

Clear the full board, score as many points as you can and upload them to the worldwide scoreboard to compete with players around the world!

- Incredibly simple but very engaging.
- Beautiful graphics and animation.
- Infinite levels (yes, infinite!!)
- Play with in-game music or listen to your own iTunes music.
- Compete with players around the globe in the worldwide scoreboard.


Follow us on twitter and take advantage of exclusive discounts, updates and news about our games: twitter.com/geardome


Your friends are on Facebook. Your family is on Facebook. Now, Geardome is on Facebook, too: facebook.geardome.com

What's New

* Fixed background music.
* Now you can play music from your iPod and play the game at the same time.

VeryChat 1.0

Category: Social Networking
Price: $0.99 -> Free (iTunes)


VeryChat! - Dialogue between iPhone Unlimited!
(Video, text, photo, voicemail and GPS)

*** Introductory Offer ***
*** Hurry ***

Why VeryChat === ===
VeryChat can send text messages, videos, photos, but also voice notes of remarkable quality between iPhone.

=== How are the messages received ===
The recipient receives a push on the iPhone, saying he received a message. The application does not need to be open.

Personalization === ===
Every interface is customizable.
- Character size
- Wallpaper
- Color dialog bubbles
- Method of notification (Son, vibrator)
- Image quality
- Registration of items received

=== Security ===
If you no longer wish to receive messages from a specific nickname during its removal, you can block it.

All your messages are stored on your mobile

Come and try it !

EventList 1.1

Category: Lifestyle
Price: $0.99 -> Free (iTunes)



★ Now on SALE for a limited time



EventList helps you to never forget anyone's name day, birthday, anniversary or even holidays. Application has a built-in name day list with 16 languages and a customizable favorite list. Name days can be sorted by name or date.

Add, edit or delete custom events on favorite list and highlight them before specified days. Display upcoming event count on icon BADGE. Favorite list sorted by next occurrence to help you planning/organizing upcoming events.

- Built-in name days with 16 languages: Czech, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish
- Search name days by name and date
- Mark name days as favorite with reminders 
- Add custom events, birthdays, anniversaries, holidays
- Setting number of days before highlight events
- Daily event countdown and icon badge of upcoming events
- Sort events by next occurrence
- Import birthdays from Address Book

A name day is a tradition in many countries in Europe and Latin America of celebrating on a particular day of the year associated with the one's given name. The custom originated with the Catholic and Orthodox calendar of saints, where believers, named after a particular saint, would celebrate that saint's feast day. In many countries, however, there is no longer any explicit connection to Christianity.

What's New

- Import birthdays from Address Book
- Added custom event types
- Added icons for events

Moral Stories For Kids 1.0

Category: Education
Price: $0.99 -> Free (iTunes)


Parents, are your kids driving you insane the whole day for Fairy tales and stories?

Are they getting bored of the same old stories you have for them every night?

If so, how do you manage it?

Now you can curl up with some funny stories and whimsical children bedtime tales on this application.

Bedtime is the best time when you can form a strong bond with your children while teaching them the ways of the world through these stories. Most children love stories during bedtime.

“Moral Story For Kids” focuses on building a strong bond between parents and children by providing wonderful stories, making children feel loved and boosting their moral and intellectual education.

Through these stories, the idea is to provide attention to your children that they need and let them feel that you love them.

The library contains a wonderful collection of stories with moral educational content. These stories encourage thinking, evoke interest while at the same time subtly teach them about companionship, love and care.

101 Que Dice 1.0

Category: Education
Price: $0.99 -> Free (iTunes)


The "101 Que Dice" app teaches english words using pictures. You are shown a english word and 9 thumbnail sized pictures. You need to pick the picture that corresponds to the english word. If you choose the correct picture the app will turn green and shows the correct spanish word. If you choose an incorrect picture the app will turn red and still show the correct spanish word. Special emphasis has been taken to boost one's spirits with complimentary remarks such as "Great Job", "Congratulations", "Excellent", "Great answer". This app will keep children occupied at restaurants, on long trips while also teaching them basic English words.

+ Elementary school teachers
+ Self learner kids
+ Kids whose primary/native language is not English
+ Any spanish speaking person who wants to learn English

The app uses bright kid-centric colors. The user interface design is based on Human Computer Interface Design Patterns.


+ Read the English word
+ Click on the picture that you think is related to english word.
+ The screen will turn green if you choose the correct picture, showing the corresponding spanish word.
+ The screen will turn red if you chose an incorrect picture, showing the corresponding spanish word.

+ Requires iPhone OS 2.2.1 or later 

Please direct support questions to appsupport@nthfusion.com

If you want us to add new features that would help learning spanish easier please send us an email.

To improve future versions of the game, please provide us your constructive feedback.

spell,word,learn spanish,education,game,flash card,kids,school,children,english,translator,travel

Devious 1.0

Category: Photography
Price: $0.99 -> Free (iTunes)



Enthuse, amuse and entertain.

This app is in no way approved, endorsed or licensed by deviantART. Visit deviantart.com for their mobile website.

Devious is an entirely independent web browsing application providing Art lovers with superb image viewing capabilities.

Conveniently browse tens of thousands of art works, image genres and artists. The app makes it as easy as possible for you to search, view, shortlist and save the very best of deviantArt.com

All images are Zoomable and Flickable in the high resolution viewer interface.

You can search specifically for a user or tag. 

Bookmark the image sets you receive for convenience and ease of use. Images can be saved to your photo reel for offline use, and wallpapers etc. 

The app even features a build image high resolution viewer that will enable the viewer to see most images at their intended resolution. 

Devious allows you to perform random searches for users and for deviation types. Find new art works, genres and artists. 

This app requires an internet connection.


iPod touch/iPhone Afreeca application

2009. 12. 7. 13:57


나우콤에서 아이폰용 아프리카 TV application을 출시 했네요.

이러면 실시간으로 500여개의 개인방송을 시청가능하게 될 것 같은데...

향후 윈도우 모바일 및 안드로이드 OS에도 해당 application개발에 몰두한다고 하며 앞으로

인터넷 TV시장에서 확고한 입지를 가지려고 하는 것 같습니다.

Streaming이 얼마나 잘 되는지가 관건이긴 하겠지만...

Application store에서 무료로 다운로드가 가능하니, iPod touch 및 iPhone 사용자분들은


2009-12-07 07:17 작성 | music
twitter를 통해 자신이 듣는 음악을 공유하는 app입니다.

음악을 좋아하시는 분들에겐 좋은  app이 될것 같네요.

 MusicTweeter 1.0

Category: Music
Price: $0.99 -> Free (iTunes)


Try now! It is free for a limited time!

Have you ever think about to publish what are you listening with iPod? If yes, MusicTweeter is THE app for you! 
With this app, you can post to Twitter what are you listening. It's so simple to use:
-Set your username and password
-Switch on auto posting
-if you don't like the original message, type a new one, and use the buttons to select the information what you want to tweet

To play music, just use the add button to select it, or you can use the built-in iPod. MusicTweeter is fully compatible whit it! 
That's all! :) 
Any suggestions will be appreciated, so feel free to send an e-mail or post a comment!

Hippo Hooray Numbers - Flashcards for Toddlers 1.2

Category: Education
Price: $0.99 -> Free (iTunes)


Created by parents for their own children (and tested extensively with those very same kids), Hippo Hooray Numbers is a great way to help young children learn their numbers, practice counting, and keep them entertained. From the makers of Hippo Hooray Colors, Shapes, and Letters displays the numbers 0-20 on wooden tiles, and written on the blackboard. A young voice encourages your child to choose the right number, helps them if they don't pick right the first time, and pats them on the back when they choose correctly. In addition to teaching kids to recognize numbers, Hippo Hurray Numbers has counting screens where children can count cupcakes, party hats, and balls. There's even a line of text for grownups to use to help guide their toddler and to help in noisy environments. Every so often a short video will pop up congratulating your child on doing a great job. Rather than a quiz format, each screen is like a little teaser for your toddler to learn from.

Amid beautiful illustrations, you'll find Honey the Hippo and Raphael the Robin (yes, he paints!) peeking out from behind scenery, and coming out to encourage your child. (Keep an eye out for the monkey with the cupcake hat.) In addition to high quality artwork, the user interface is incredibly simple letting your toddler focus on cognitive, language, and motor development. 

About Jackson Fish Market

Founded in 2006 in Seattle, WA, Jackson Fish Market (www.jacksonfish.com) is focused on making handcrafted software for people of all ages to fall in love with. Jackson Fish Market is currently offering Hippo Hooray Colors, Hippo Hooray Letters, and Hippo Hooray Shapes for the iPhone. Follow us on Twitter @hippohooray for updates on new versions, and new Hippo Hooray experiences for your children. You can also visit www.hippohooray.com for news and updates.

iPhone 3G및 iPod touch 3G 32G/64G 이상에서만 사용가능한 game입니다.

일정기간 무료이니 받으실 분들은 미리 받으시길

Dark Raider S 1.4

Category: Games
Price: $2.99 -> Free (iTunes)


Now free for a limited time!

(Released on Aug 7th)

Now supports the NEW ipod touch 3rd gen (32 or 64 GB) and
iPhone 3GS.

CAN YOU SURVIVE..... 64 levels of increasing complexity?
CAN YOU DEFEAT.... The worm beasts of Curio's Arena?
CAN YOU ESCAPE.... The Maze of Pythius?
CAN YOU CATCH.... The mysterious alien treasure hunter known only as X.
CAN YOU FIND..... All of the soul keys and unlock the secrets to immortality?

Dark Raider 3GS is a specially enhanced version of Dark Raider which takes advantage of your new iPhone 3GS's graphics capabilities. 

The game uses high dynamic range, deferred rendering with unlimited number of dynamic lights, and per pixel lighting using normal maps. These are effects normally only found in console and PC games.... but IT'S RUNNING ON YOUR PHONE at over 30 fps! 

Dark Raider 3GS has the most detailed and impressive graphics of any iPhone game to date, and is the best way to show off your phone and make your friends drool!

NOTE: THIS VERSIONS REQUIRES AN IPHONE 3GS OR THE NEW IPOD TOUCH 3RD GEN WITH 32 or 64 GB. For older phones and ipod touches, get the regular version from the App store.

Unlock cheats by finishing the game on different difficulty levels. Cheats include faster shotgun, free weapons, and god mode.

• More to do than iDracula, Minigore, and Alive 4 Ever combined!
• 16-20 hours of gameplay
• 3 difficulty levels
• 25 minutes of mood setting music
• 3D immersive sound
• Amazing dynamic lighting. Light torches to see better in the dungeons.
• 360 degree movement and twin stick aiming.
• Unlock new areas and level up your hero!
• Variety of weapons including pistol, shotguns, grenades, rocket launcher, flame thrower, fireballs, blades.
• Avoid fireballs, blades, and spike traps, and crush enemies with sliding blocks.
• Nonlinear gameplay lets you pick which locations you want to play first.
• Explore a fantasy world full of Castles, Tombs, Pyramids, Arenas, Mazes and Forests.
• 64 progressively difficult levels spread across 8 unique locations.
• Your goal is to collect keys and treasures while defending yourself from the neverending hordes of Ancient keepers. Find the exit and make it out alive to advance.
• The more you play, the bigger and badder the world gets! 
• Combination of environmental puzzles and combat, with emphasis on combat

Pick your style! Each method provides a unique gameplay experience....
• Accelerometer - plays like a first person shooter
• Single Analog Stick - plays like an older retro game
• Twin Stick - plays like a modern shooter such as iDracula or Geometry Wars
• Accelerometer + Stick - plays like Labyrinth

View the exciting game trailer at www.tinyurl.com/DarkRaiderTrailer

Check out other Rocking Pocket Games:
* Pocket Farm (NEW!)
* i Fishing / lite
* i Fishing Saltwater Edition (NEW!)
* Blue Skies / lite
* Dark Raider / lite
* Asteroids 3K
* The Girl Game
* The Guy Game

What's New

- New pistol sound
- Changed enemy sprites
- Fixed player warping into never never land when a background process takes too much time
- Changed main sign text on map level for clearer objectives
- Slightly increased enemy speed
크리스마스 시즌이 왔네요 크리스마스 카드를 보내는 app입니다.

유용한 app이네요^^

iTree - The Original Christmas Tree

+ THE ONLY CHRISTMAS TREE THAT YOU CAN SEND TO FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES AS AN ELECTRONIC POSTCARD! They don't need an iPhone to receive your exclusive seasonal greetings! +

For a short period only, iTree - The Original will be available at its current price if you decide for a Christmas tree NOW.

In times of global warming every single tree counts. Go for a GREEN Christmas and choose the one and only original iTree! Get the iTree and decorate it the way you want. Or use the magic tool and with a single tap get wonderfully designed iTrees in seconds.

Watch how the snow falls down, follow the sun as it walks the horizon during the day and get sleepy as scenery turns into night in the evening hours.

Once you've finished decorating your iTree turn the device by and send a beautiful electronic postcard along with your personal greeting message to your loved ones. Your individually styled iTree will be automatically included into the postcard motive.

(The recipients don't need an iPhone. Your greeting card will be available free of charge via the web!)

You might have seen other christmas trees in the App Store. This one is different:

- With its artwork created exclusively for the iPhone and iPod touch by Peter Dahmen it truly captures the unique spirit of the upcoming season.

- Sending your iTree as a personal electronic postcard delivers seasonal greetings with style.

Grab a copy of the original iTree today!

What's new

- Added new, ready to use decorated trees to the wizard!
- Optimized performance!


Screenshot 1 of 5

Share with Others


iPhone/iPod touch $2.99-> free Navy Patrol: Coastal Defense

2009. 12. 6. 18:00
오늘만 무료인 app입니다. 지난번 defense game을 너무 잼있게 해서..
이번에도 또 받았네요.

Navy Patrol: Coastal Defense

*****ICS Mobile Christmas Spirit Sale******

Christmas Sale $1.99!(reg. $2.99) until
Chapter V: Arctic Thunder (new map+3 new "Special" Turrets)

√ CNET.com: Navy Patrol Among The "5 Awesome iPhone Tower Defense Games"

√ TheAppera.com: This game is just B-A-N-A-N-A-S! The level of quality and polish put in the game are just outstanding. The whole theme works because of the high level of execution.

√ IGN.com: Impressive! "The current download is a lot of fun and it looks like more chapters are on the way, making Navy Patrol a solid value"


Top #100 games (US,UK,France...)
Top #20 Strategy (US,UK,France...)
Top #20 Arcade (US,UK,France...)

What's New:
√ Openfeint Integration (leaderboards,Live Chats, friends and more)
√ New Map "Avalon Island" with 3 Spawning Locations
√ Video Tutorials
√ Stability & Bug Fixes

Upcoming Update:
√ Chapter V: "Arctic Thunder"
√ 3 New "Special" Turrets
√ New Map: Arctica
√ Endless Mode!


**CNET.com:(V1.1)"This naval-themed, open-path TD exercise offers some of the most in-depth and challenging gameplay I've found."

**ApplicationiPhone.com:(V.1.1): 4.75/5

"The power-ups add so much to Navy Patrol, turning a basic genre entry into so much more. The balance is also quite good.The current download is a lot of fun and it looks like more chapters are on the way, making Navy Patrol a solid value."

**Appvee:4.4/5 "I would definitely recommend it for any tower defense fans"

**Gamersdailynews:8/10 "You will find yourself coming back for more, or at least to beat your friends’ scores."

√TheApper.com: This game is just B-A-N-A-N-A-S! The level of quality and polish put in the game are just outstanding. The whole theme works because of the high level of execution.

**AppVeristity:"It has enormous depth and great integration of RTS and RPG like-elements all warpped into a TD game. It’s a well thought out game with tons of abilities and powerups to keep things interesting for days to come."

Featured in "What's Hot"!

..."The Navy Patrol Saga Continues...Thousands are currently battling the seas to reach the rank of Supreme Admiral! Join the Journey with The Most Intense Tower Defense App Yet!....Will you survive all Chapters? "


** Introducing ICS Mobile's Breakthrough AWS™ Realtime 3D Fluid Simulation Engine

** Fully Integrated iPod Controls

** 3Warfare Styles:
√ Sea Level √ Undersea √ Aerial

**15 Unique Specials Incl:
√ Touch-Controlled Satellite Laser Attack
√ Accelerometer-Enabled "Storm" Special
√ Long Range Missile Barrage
√ Tsunami Wave Special
√ Bomber delivered Nuclear Strike Special

**Dynamic AI Pathfinding System
√ Enemy Ships dynamically adjust their path based on your turret placement adjustments

** 6 Unique Upgradable Offensive Turrets
√ Fighter Jets Equipped Airfield
√ Large Cruisers
√ Mines
√ Machine Gun Turrets
√ Missile Turrets
√ Attack Submarines

** 8 Enemy Forces Including:
√ Submarines
√ Fighter jets Equipped Aircraft carriers
√ Dreadnoughts

**Turret Targeting System
√ Ability to order specific turrets to direct fire at the fastest, weakest or strongest enemy ships.

**Embedded “Skills Tree System”
√ Experience points awarded at specific wave cycles. Points can be allocated among “Defensive”, “Offensive” or “Technology” categories which unlocks a variety of unique specials.

** 3 Difficulty Levels
√ Seaman, √ Lieutenant, √ Admiral

** 2 Fingers Pinch Zoom & Turret Rotation

Support,News,Forums and Tips at www.NAVYPATROLCD.com

What's new

- Chapter IV: The Last Stand
- New Map: "Avalon Island" with 3 Spawning Locations
-Openfeint (Leaderboard, Live Chat and more..)
- Video Tutorials
- Bugs and Stability Fixes

Chapter IV: The Last Stand

The enemy forces scored a major diplomatic victory by securing a major
Alliance with a northern African state. Our satellites detected
several fleets from the newly formed alliance which appears to be
heading towards our Mediterranean bases.

Our intelligence agency informed us that the Alliance's new ploy
involves the disruption of our oil supply line which would cripple our
entire naval fleet. Incidentally, the Avalon Island located in the
Mediterranean Sea is host to our largest oil refinery plant
and all of our installations in the region are destined to be soon under siege.

Since our military planners failed to anticipate such a catastrophic
scenario, an airfield was never built on Avalon which means that the
upcoming conflict will be conducted without air support.

All indicators points towards a brutal offensive, our toughest challenge
to date! A victory by the alliance on Avalon will precipitate the end
of the war and lead to our demise. Avalon must be protected at all
cost ! And always remember.....

.....Be Smart, Be Strong, Defend!


Screenshot 1 of 5

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iPod touch/iPhone $1.99 -> Free SmartConverter

2009. 12. 6. 17:52

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Price: $1.99 -> Free


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  • Up to 18 types of unit conversion function.

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    • Force
    • Pressure
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    • Power
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    • illuminance
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    • Women's Shoes
    • Children's Shoes
    • Men's Clothing
    • Women's Clothing
    • Children's Clothing
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    • Women's Pants
    • Hat
    • Ring
  • Other tools:

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    • ASCII Code
    • Greek Alphabet
    • Periodic Table
    • HTML Color
    • Ruler
    • Level Ruler
    • Flashlight
    • Phonetic Alphabet
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    • Date Calculator

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