iPod touch/iPhone $0.99 -> Free iGReader 2.1

2009. 12. 14. 07:57
Google RSS reader 입니다.

Google Reader와 서로 Sync되어 사용 가능합니다. 

RSS Reader app없으신 분들은 받으셔서 사용하세요. 

일정기간 무료이니, 받으시길 바랍니다

iGReader 2.1

Category: News
Price: $0.99 -> Free (iTunes)


Stay connected with your Google Reader account in an easy and fast way.

Read your favourite feeds from your iPhone staying in sync with your account. Mark an item as starred or leave it unread. Share it with your friends or view the original web page.

Organize your feeds in categories and edit or delete subscriptions easily.

Search for new subscriptions using Google Search or browsing the web.


What's New

Login and general bugs fixed.

Improved performance.

Splash screen.