iPod touch/iPhone $6.99 -> Free pmg PassCode 1.3.2

2010. 2. 19. 08:00
2009년 헝가리에서 Business관련 유료 app 1위에 오른 app입니다.

이메일, Website, sns site, Credit card 등등 정보관리를 해주는 app입니다.

6.99라는 좀 터무니 없는 가격이긴하지만, 공짜로 받으면 쓸만해 보입니다.

UI도 괜찮구요... 

pmg PassCode 1.3.2

Category: Business
Price: $6.99 -> Free (iTunes)


Use PassCode to safely store information like e-mail accounts, community and other website logins and passwords, personal IDs, bank & credit cards, eBay and merchant services logins, membership cards, bank and financial account information, wifi connects and any personal notes you want to keep safe and secure. PassCode secures your critical information using unique encryption and master password protection.

#1 Paid App in the Hungary (September 2009)
#1 Business Paid App in the Hungary (September 2009)

It is important to know that your personal data are stored in categories (eg: e-mail accounts, credit cards, eBay and PayPal logins, Google accounts, Website logins... etc) where you can modify and edit them anytime or add new categories as well! To support your data storage create your own categories and templates.


[Intuitive User Interface]:
- Simple easy to use
- Personal data to be recorded in categories
- 9 unique themes
- More than 70 unique icons
- Short description for the usage

[Sorted by Categories]:
- To support your data storage create your own categories and templates
- 10 recorded categories, that you can edit, modify or add new ones
- Your personal and confidential data can be recorded to unlimited amount.
- Optional field to be edited: On line text, Multiple line text, Password, Date, Telephone, Web address, E-mail
- Your data are shown by ABC or categories

- Favorites panel
- Passwords
- New item (categories)
- Safety Settings
- The pmg PassCode consists of over 60 screens, each page was uniquely designed to provide visual attraction.

[Safety Settings]:
- Master Password
- Auto-Lock
- Generated passwords
- Data encryption
- Self-Destruction
- Content in the next update: Backup/Restore

- Your data are shown by ABC or categories
- Favorites panel for the most frequently used personal data
- Help: short or detailed description for the usage
- Available languages: English, German, Hungarian


Check out screenshots at www.pmgApps.net
More info & online support: www.pmgApps.net
Follow me on twitter: www.twitter.com/pmgApps

What's New

pmg PassCode v1.3.2 latest update:

- Feedback panel to improve

Coming soon v1.5:
- Backup/Restore functions
pmg PassCode